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Violation of Health and Safety Measures Continues

Browse:time  Update:2012-08-12

There have been several attempts by mining companies to maintain safe operations in mines like managing number o f working hours, minimum wage rates,safety of workers and other related matters. Despite the improvements, mining companies continue to face some major challenges in the health and safety of the workers, workplace accidents and deaths. Itisimperative now for companies  to follow strict health and safety laws that provide clear direction as to what the minimum acceptable safety requirements are to address high risk hazards intodays mining environment.

Improving safety and reducing the environmental impact will be ongoing goals for the mining industry. Mining companies operate in a very risky environment and deal with hazardous materials on daily basis. Lack of awareness can not only cause loss of million of dollars but many lives aswell. All workers have the right to return home safe and sound. Preventing work-related illness and injury is the most important job at any work place.

In 2011, the inaugural Global Health and Safety Forum in Mining saw over 100 participants. Staging its 2nd edition this year, the 2nd Annual Global Health and Safety Forum in Mining will take place on 18 - 19 September in London, UK. The event is based on the theme of Ignorance is Not Bliss - Accessing the Impact of Risk, and is poised to provide safety culture in the mining companies while analysing the current situtations and challenges prevailing within the mining industry.

Confirmed particpants include Barrick Gold Corporation, AngloGold Ashanti, Goldcorp, PotashCorp, RioTinto, ENRC and International Labour Organization to identify the latest health and safety challenges in the mining sector. The forum is designed to bring together decision makers and policymakers from global health, safety and mining industry to discuss critical issues on how to implement lawful health and safety practices round the globe.

Key learnings of the conference include why safety in mining continues to be a concern, improving safety and health in mining-the regulatory side, practical approach to risk assessment, HSE programmes and its competitiveness and financial performance, monitoring and auditing your health management system.
